
Monday, February 20, 2017

TraffickCam Fights Againts Human Trafficking

Liana Riani Ramli
Daily Journals
February 20th, 2017

A new application has been found, in order to help people fight human trafficking. TraffickCam, a phone application provides pictures from more than 150,000 hotels could help police locate hotel rooms used for sex trafficking. Investigators often have troubles in searching location of the places that the sex traffickers used to sell the victims. With TraffickCam, investigators could use snapshots of hotel rooms to locate victims and prosecute sex traffickers. Why hotels? The US National Human Trafficking Hotline found hotels and motels to be a common venue for sex trafficking, with nearly 10 percent of known trafficking cases reported to them in 2016 taking place in a hotel or motel, believes the real figure is much higher. The idea of TraffickCam is that law enforcement agencies can then check adverts featuring suspected trafficking victims in hotel rooms against TraffickCam's database of photos. But even if the database identifies the location of a hotel, it's "luck of the draw" whether the victim is still there, because traffickers often post photographs from one location to advertise services in another. This app will only be able to narrow in on the exact location if enough photos are added to the database. That's why people are expected to participate to take action in fight human trafficking with this application.

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  1. Our country really need this kind of application.

    1. That's true. Remembering the number of human trafficking always increases every year.

  2. we should use this app immediately.

    1. Yes, we should. Honestly, I don't think I can help a lot because I rarely go to hotels. But if I go, I'll immediately install this app and take pictures from the hotel I visit.
