
Thursday, May 18, 2017

Healthy Food is not Actually Healthy

Liana Riani Ramli
Daily Journal 
May 18t, 2017

So many preceptions about healthy food that are told by old people. Are those ideas true? Or those just mere talk? Let's find it out! That vitamin C can keep someone from catching cold is common knowledge for some people, and there are some statements which support it. The truth is vitamin C has no connection in making cold better at all. The other "fact" is that raw carrot is more nutritious thay the cooked one. Actually, cooking increases the nutritional value of carrot. The process breaks down the tough cellular walls that encase the beta-carotene. The last but not least, they say to minimize fat and calories always remove the skin before cooking chicken. The correct fact is baking, broiling, grilling, or roasting poultry with the skin intact helps preserve its natural juices. Cook with the skin—and then remove before serving. 


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